February 28, 2013

My Dream Job(s)

It all began when I was in I-D and had to write an essay on 'My Class Teacher '. Surprisingly,for the first time I got a full star on it.Since then‘Teacher-Teacher’ (and not 'Ghar-Ghar') was my favorite game and I earnestly wanted to be one. I was hell excited to write ’very poor’ in the copy of my students ,to scold them and make them stand on their bench and to take them for picnic in ‘Hathi Park’(revenge you know,revenge :P). The other reason was that I’ll get to wear my mom’s high heels, beautiful sarees and can even use her makeup kit. *wink*

But then unfortunately, in a year or two(class III or IV) my love for cakes and pastries and chocolates out weighted my earlier zest. It was when my mom denied me a pack of chocolates saying ‘Daant kharab ho jaayenge” and on the spot I decided to own a Bakery shop one day.I often pictured myself supping blackforests and temptations all day long. (Slurp! Slurp!) When I told about my 'dream project' to my uncle he explained (after LOL-ing) how I’ll be at loss and that one day I’ll run out of money to buy more stuff for my shop. The clever me had an intelligent solution to the big problem-“Papa is always there, no?”But bade log ........ bade log. He put forth “Why not do something else, earn enough money and buy yourself lavishly all what you desire?” Well, how in the world could you win an argument with a stubborn child?(I mean you don't need to study more for being a shopkeeper plus you'll get to eat so many mouth-watering things whenever desired plus you can have TV in your shop to watch Pogo all time plus you can have holidays anytime every-time and blah blah blah).Poor Uncle Scrooge!

All thanks to DD-1 for diverting my mind. During those days (class IV or V) it featured one serial called ‘Aarohan’ which had Pallavi Joshi as a Navy cadet. I followed it strictly. Her ‘Washing powder Nirma’ washed ultra white uniform, smart looks, never-give-up attitude and stern patriotism intrigued me to be like her. The blue waters and the mighty ships were no less captivating. Opposite to Pallavi was a handsome hunk who was an air force pilot. He was so damn cute.His eyes, OMG what brilliance they had.Ummn…but soon the series ended. Studies began. My childhood fascination was thrown into a deep slumber. Slowly and steadily I forgot him, I mean Pallavi joshi…ehh…I mean ‘navy-mania’. The only thing I remembered then was that chemical formula of water is H2O.Whatever!

The intelligent me soon realized that I had to earn enough money(something like 30 thousand 40 crores 25 arabs 19 thousand 2 hundred 63 billions and 55 rupees :P) to meet all basic necessities of life- roti,kapda aur makan internet, shopping and bank balance. Nonetheless the frequency and range of my ‘Dream jobs’ was apparently quite high. It varied from tourist guide to bank manager, from pilot to interior designer and from astronaut to astrologer. It kept changing and changing until I landed on the highly overrated ‘High school’ landmark. At this stage I don’t know from when, where and how I came to know that I have to be an Engineer IITian and should struggle hard for the same in 10+2. But,in vain.(No,no regrets today!!)

As to this date,  I’m on the verge of being graduated as a “Bachelor of Technology’( a non-IITian to be more specific),that too placed in a business firm. :D

It’s like,
‘Many’ roads diverged in a wood
I took the one ‘most’ travelled by
& Still thinking to make the ‘difference’!!.....:)

Did I told ya that my un-dear and dear ones always had a feeling that most likely I would be a doctor. I wish they knew that it takes me around half-an-hour to intake one 250mg tablet that too with a bottle of water and a packet of chips! Heha!!

So this was the whole twined transition.God bless my unstable mind.Howbeit,a happy heart is all that matters in the end,no?


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  1. hahahahaha ....after having this gr88 experience of flexible dream chart for 20 years ...m sure U have becme a good personalty :) soo congrats and goodluck for ur pathway:):)

  2. AT SOME points of your post i read myself.. may be, we all feel the same at that age..!!

    Well, that's a good post highlighting the changes we do feel in the way we think and grow..finally one will attain something that defines him.

    wish u all the best..:)

  3. @Vandana: thanks a tonne :)

  4. @Pramoda:yeah...most of us share the same common interest....may be on different lines...thanks for the read :)

  5. "‘Many’ roads diverged in a wood
    I took the one ‘most’ travelled by
    & Still thinking to make the ‘difference’!!.....:)"

    there lies the challenge ;).. good luck.

    Very happy to see you back to blogging. Looking forward to seeing the other blog being updated too :)

  6. @Divesh: thanks for the read...yeah I know it's been too long a hiatus....n its pinching me more....waiting for an inspiration :)

  7. it was fun...complete fun reading thru this post! Super like!

  8. @maverick :thank you :)

  9. i like a lot your blog!!!! ;-) ._.

  10. Great information.Thanks for sharing this useful information with all of us.Keep sharing more in the future.

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