April 30, 2016

Because I am in hope with him!

Dear Papa,

I know you worry a lot for me. I can always sense the tornado of anxiety in your veins and spot the multitude of apprehensions on your skin. I do not blame you. Categorically, your concern and care are manifestations of your benign affection. I fully understand the perilous times we live in and how the poignant articles in newspapers, sensational stories on news channels and quirky gossips from the neighborhood inflate your fears. One of your major worries is finding a suitable guy for me or perhaps me falling for a wrong guy. Albeit your fear is innate and genuine, like that of any other parent, I have something to confess. Lend me your ears as you have been doing, this time a little more patiently.

I like somebody, Papa. Hold on! Don't get mad at me! Listen unassumingly, please. I never say that your choice would have been any lesser. I know you would have left no stone unturned to find the best suitor for me. But since I found one earlier and made my choice, I want you to know him,succinctly though, through my eyes glasses. 

His name, caste, age, height, salary and other information which you ought to know are written in the other envelope. But are these the most important metrics to determine the suitability of a person as your daughter's life partner? No na? I beg you to take a look at the other envelope later and read further to know the answers to the umpteen questions that are tangled in your mind right now. 

Well, who is he? He is perfectly imperfect;he is real, as real as real can get. It's natural for him to show his love or anger anytime to anybody, un-apologetically. He is never afraid to cry, like you Papa. He will be the first one to say sorry in a scuffle, regardless of the fact whose fault it was. He is a dreamer. No, I'm not being poetic. He dreams of all the riches in the world, a tour to Europe, a Porsche, an ambitious career, only that he wants me to be a part of his every little endeavor. We will rock the world together is what he says.  

He has more confidence in me and my abilities, than I myself have. He has not promised me moons and fortunes, but a morning cuppa tea. He is not the one who would open car door for me; instead he would prefer me at the driver's seat, and make me learn driving and conquer my fears. He is not the one who would remember each and every date or anniversary because all he is thinking is to make my 'today' beautiful. He will not bring flowers and chocolates for me every now and then but will get me a yoga mat, a neck pillow, Oats and Chocos packets or a diary for me to scribble. He encourages me to write more often and get published some day, like you do Papa. He never lets me give up, as he himself never does.

He loves himself a lot. Isn't it a beautiful thing to do? His self esteem is unshakable. The inner child in him still roams freely and plays around, and this is something he takes pride in. He loves his family even more and has his small little plans for everybody- his siblings, his mom and his father. He gets attached to people very easily and knows very well to bolster up the bond and sustain the relations. He has friends for whom he is always ready to walk the extra mile, and so would they for him. Through his subtle ways, he can charm the people alike, no matter they are in a conference room or in a drawing room!

He has his share of flaws,failures, struggles and successes. I have witnessed his best side and worse side and I chose both and so did he. I do not claim he is the best guy in the world. He is not an award or a trophy I would like to win. He makes me laugh and he makes me dream and that suffices. 

This is just his silhouette, Papa. If you decide to meet him, perhaps you can get to know him more and think through completely. I am asking you to trust me as you did when I walked my first few steps. I am asking you to give me a chance because I am in hope with him, because ten years down the line neither me nor you would want to regret "What if I said 'Yes' ". 

You have a choice to make Papa, either you can pick that other envelope and look for his caste or you can give me a call right away. Or wait! You can open the door as well. I am standing right outside, waiting for a hug!

-Your Daughter

PS: You matter most to me, always and forever!

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  1. I hope her Dad agrees and sees that there is nothing above True Love..
    It saddens me how parents over see the happiness of the child for society and its idiotic customs ..

    Prayers for her

  2. AnonymousMay 06, 2016

    Well written!
