April 27, 2016

I Await You!

Like a coarse tiny vapor
arrested amidst the black clouds
fighting tough to reach out
waiting to be sculptured
into a beautiful white pearl!

Like an unborn dream
in the womb of the heavens
traversing through crests and troughs
seeking for a worthier doer!

Like the darkest hour before dawn
waiting to bathe in the orange light
to exempt all grief amalgamated over night
and zealous to start anew!

Like an eternal prayer of all souls
of hope and happiness
and of love and madness
waiting to be ascertained by the one above!

Like the other half of crescent moon
counterpoised by the beholder
owing to the radiance of it's better half
waiting to aglow to it's full glory!

I Await You!

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  1. The opening lines of this post reminds me of a hindi poem that I read while in very small class, yet it has been fixed in my memory, how I don't know... well I can't write the whole poem here but it had the theme how a lone drop moves out from its home in the clouds uncertain of its future and thinks of its horrifying end.

    And yet, it falls into an oyster's mouth and becomes a pearl.

    So don't worry, your shining sun will also come :)

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  2. Wow. This is great writing :)

  3. I had exactly the same thought as Blasphemous Asthete..

    here is the poem mentioned by him.. http://www.angelfire.com/ca/Hinduism/hindi_dohe.html

  4. Beautiful... I read it all in a single breath.... each word is like a hand picked pearl... and the picture complements it too well... lovely write up dear.... I can keep reading it again and again

    Take care :)

  5. Well ....congrats on writing such a beautiful poem. Your imagination is just 'superb'.

  6. @Blasphemous Aesthete : I too have read the poem...it's beautiful....thanks for the read :)

  7. @Divesh:Okies...but you didn't tell how was the poem :P

  8. @Aayushi: It feels great to get compliments from you.Thanks! :)

  9. @Rashmi:Glad you liked it this much....happy happy...thanks :)

  10. @Rachit: thanks ya...keep reading :)

  11. @Virendra ji: thank you so much :)

  12. damn!! english is my thinking language...even my dreams are in english at times :P but i just cant write this kinda poetry in english....simply cant...whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :(

    u rock sweetheart....truly....awesome

  13. it is brilliant, obviously.. my appreciation gets stale.. you are fantabulous, perhaps the best among all the poets i know on blogger who write in both Hindi and English..

  14. @saanjh: dreams in english???...lolzz....too much of exaggeration....shakespeare effect perhaps :P....anyways thanks a tonne for liking this :)....and don't worry...you rock in hindi :)

  15. @Divesh:thank you thank you...feeling elated :)

  16. shakespere effect.......lol, yup, i'd call it that ;)

  17. Guess wot, even i have also tried d same subject ..n the way u hv presented it ,i probably insulted d idea.thanx for making me realize dat m pathetic at writing. I wud love to feel dis way again n again if d ugly truth is accompanied by some wondeful lines like these. :)

  18. so so so beautiful!!

  19. this poem is really very lovely! however, the last para is the most b'ful! :)
