April 27, 2016

I want you to cry tonight

Today I won't droop your shoulders
with the burden of indefinite hope
Neither would I crumple your eyes
to another aura of sleepless dreams.
I won't blabber philosophies today
'It's Destiny','Move on','Such is Life' and so on
Nor will I sink in the sea of emotions
to wet you in the showers of sympathy.

Instead I want you to cry tonight,
Yes do that,it's a begging plea
reel of your pain,let tears tumble down your cheeks
which might be aching owing to fake smiles
Don't make your wounds rot 
Don't pretend as if everything's okay when it's not,It hurts
Don't act wise,I cognize you are broken inside !
Let your mind accede to the failure
and lament aloud,very loud
until it outbursts your agony.
Don't be hesitant of the otherwise ruthless world
Nobody will see your break down,I promise.
I'll shut mine eyes too and turn my back,if you desire !
But please cry,cry for once
and let your heart be dried of sorrows
your soul redeem of yesterdays residues !

For O dearest, I empathize
with the irreplaceable loss incurred on you
And so I want you not to just escape it
under the refuge of hope,dream,destiny or sympathy
but instead triumph over it
on the chariot of your own WILL
with the sword of your infinite virtues !

I'm waiting to see you soar high,again
Let You be dawned forever!

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  1. Beautiful.

    Yes, let it break loose, the dam of pent up distress, failures and tension. Relieve it, release it, and be free.
    For tomorrow, the sun will shine, and tomorrow, will be a brand new day.


    Blasphemous Aesthete

  2. Ever seen how enchanting and crystal the world looks after that long awaited rain....i could almost visualise the image as i read this one....yup, so true, sometimes, all you need to do is to let go, and cry....

    Beautiful dear...as always :)

  3. For O dearest, I empathize
    with the irreplaceable loss incurred on you
    And so I want you not to just escape it
    under the refuge of hope,dream,destiny or sympathy
    but instead triumph over it
    on the chariot of your own WILL
    with the sword of your infinite virtues !

    Simply great!

  4. @Blasphemous Aesthete: yes...that is all I wanted to convey...thanks :)

  5. @saanjh: You got the essence...so true is the rain thing you mentioned....thank you so much :)

  6. @mAvericK: thanks a lot...long time???

  7. @saumya..cant really complain abt the time but d best thng abt being a late visitor is the blog space offers u grt thoughts in heap. :)

  8. Really wonderful writing.... You're such a gem of writers........ Congrats.

  9. Thankyou Sister for this one...Yes you are true 'It's Destiny','Move on','Such is Life'.

  10. Beautiful words..flowing from the heart...let emotions flow...cry you heart out..let it wash your sorrow...get over it...for tomorrow is another beautiful day...

    nice blog...keep blogging...

  11. "Don't pretend as if everything's okay when it's not,It hurts" so aptly said...Sometimes we have to just let the tears flow, no hiding of sorrows...and venting the emotions through the eyes...

    Beautiful :)

  12. a commendable poem. crying is the most necessary work to be done in life to shed all our sorrows.
    nc poem
