July 06, 2012

Few illustrations....on living!

-     - Rohan has always inherited his elder brother’s books, clothes, and even toys. Seldom is it that he gets a new one owing to the financial crisis in the family. But never has he lodged a complaint. In fact, he welcomes every ‘change’ with a broadened smile and (seemingly) enthused attitude.

-    -Yesterday was Mr. and Mrs. Mathur’s 25th wedding anniversary. To no doubts, there wasn’t any celebration except that the couple went to a temple and Aarti prepared ‘Matar-Paneer’ for dinner. It’s their eldest (of the three) daughter’s marriage in a month. Lots of work pending. Mr. Mathur’s eyes gleam with an echoing contentment as he espies the white, shiny, newly purchased i20 in his verandah (the only four-wheeler). Yes, the one he is gifting to his daughter. He (with his family) had let go umpteenth small little pleasures, everybody knows, for the big day. 

-     - Radhika started tailoring in her house a year ago. Now she gets enough orders that can suitably finance food for her family, books for her two children, clothes twice a year and maybe a little more sometimes. Her husband was a security guard in some agency. But after a rigorous accident, he couldn’t stand on both legs and was obviously thrown out of the job. Though he tried various other options but nothing really worked. Frustrated, he cursed his disability destiny. It was then that Radhika took the responsibility. And she is doing pretty well today. Shyam,................. her husband, does the household chores. Though Radhika insisted she’ll manage but he never allows her except to do the dishes. Laxmi helps her father in the kitchen when she is done with her homework and daily studies. Shyam also does all the outside work. He often goes to the market to get grocery and stuff….stationary and toffees for the kids and not to forget…………colorful threads ………… and beautiful bindis ………………..for his wife.

-     - Simran has just typed her resignation letter. Her husband works in a reputed MNC in Bangalore and has a handsome package. Simran also worked in a software company in Pune. Nah, not for riches but she was ambitious like many others and wanted to make it big. Recently she has been blessed with twins. There’s no one in the relations except her father-in-law. ‘Family comes first’, she understands. ‘Maybe some other time’.

-     - Aayesha had to settle for a mediocre college, though she knows she deserved better; Paras couldn’t get into his dream company; Reehan lost in the battle of love…..but today ……………………they all have "moved on" in life! ………….”It just ain't possible to explain some things.  It's interesting to wonder on them and do some speculation, but the main thing is you have to accept it--take it for what it is and get on with your growing.”(Jim Dodge)

Life is less about Stars,Butterflies and Rainbows … and more about Compromises, Adjustments and Acceptance!

PS:Illustrations are all real.However names are randomly chosen.

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  1. true! Acceptance is the key!Living closer to the reality makes situation easy to bear with if not improves it.

  2. speechless...very very impressive post dear ....and ofcourse ur conclusion was the truth of life ..keep going :)
